Matthias Andrasch Web Developer & Hobby Blogger


Experience as developer 👨‍💻


  • State certified IT specialist for application development, IHK Berlin

Last two developer roles:

  • allaboutapps, Vienna
    Full Stack Web Developer
    Craft CMS, PHP, JS, Tailwind, DDEV, DX
  • gugler* MarkenSinn, St. Pölten
    Full Stack Web Developer
    Web Accessibility, JS, WordPress / PHP, Ionic Angular, SvelteKit, DDEV, DX

My full CV can be found on LinkedIn.

Education 🎓

  • Master of Arts Pedagogy and Management in the field of Social Work
    Technische Hochschule Köln
  • Bachelor of Arts Media Education - Audiovisual Culture and Communication
    Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
  • Apprenticeship State certified IT specialist for application development, IHK Berlin

Personal background

I discovered my joy for coding and web development as a teenager. After school I did a three year apprenticeship program to become a state-certified IT specialist in Berlin.

Afterwards I decided to study in the field of media pedagogy and social sciences at University of Magdeburg and Technische Hochschule Köln.

After graduation I worked as scientific employee in university projects in Cologne, dealing with topics like Open Education (OER) and Digital Inclusion.

In 2020 I decided to work fulltime as a web developer again while moving to Vienna, Austria. Many thanks to the agency gugler* MarkenSinn, who made it possible for me to return to web development with a special focus on web accessibility and sustainable web design.

I am pleased that I can continue to promote digital inclusion through digital accessibility and the topic of climate protection through green coding in my roles as web developer.

Mountains and houses, person standing in front of them