Matthias Andrasch Web Developer & Hobby Blogger

Climate & Social Justice

“Climate justice” is a term, and more than that a movement, that acknowledges climate change can have disproportionately harmful social, economic, and public health impacts on disinvested populations. Advocates for climate justice are striving to have these inequities addressed head-on through long-term mitigation and adaptation strategies.

Many of the people and communities that are most vulnerable to climate change and environmental degradation are those who are already poor and largely excluded from the rewards of global economic activity.

To overcome the diverse challenges, there are also multiple social innovations in discussion such as …

  • 4 day work week / reduced work time
  • universal basic income
  • degrowth (vs. green growth)
  • donut economics
  • B Corporations
  • … and many more.

The climate emergency (as well the loss of biodiversity) is also a mental health challenge, for societies as well as individuals.

More resources

I try to blog a bit about these topics as well on